Encourage New Students to Play

Encourage New Students to Play

By Barbara Seagram Relationships We give students names of partners they can play with. Hand out telephone numbers of like-minded individuals. Approximately eight names per person and suggest that they call. We print names and

Encourage New Students to Play

Attracting New Students

Advertise! Word of mouth is of course the best advertising. But for new programs, you have to start from scratch. There are so many local papers. I put in an ad in lots of papers

Contacts for Teaching Aboard Cruise Ships

Contacts for Teaching Aboard Cruise Ships

By Barbara Seagram WHO TO CONTACT Note that it is impossible to keep up with which company has the rights to which cruise line. You will have to contact the various agents to find this

Contacts for Teaching Aboard Cruise Ships

What to Teach Aboard Ship: Lesson 2

By Barbara Seagram Defence against notrump   First hand is Eddie and Marty Bergen’s. They love this one Rule of eleven   1 N North ♠ K53 ♥ QJ9 ♦ Q32 ♣ K543   W

Contacts for Teaching Aboard Cruise Ships

What to Teach Aboard Ship: Lesson 1

By Barbara Seagram Here are some hands that I teach in the first lesson.     1 N North ♠ 953 ♥ 1082 ♦ 1093 ♣ AKJ5   W West ♠ K76 ♥ AK964 ♦

Contacts for Teaching Aboard Cruise Ships

Teaching Aboard Ship: What You Need to Know

By Barbara Seagram Class Handouts/Photocopying Take notes with you. Most ships do not wish you to make photocopies aboard. Large ships with internet cafes will allow you to print copies there, but expect to pay

Contacts for Teaching Aboard Cruise Ships

Teaching Bridge on Cruises

In this article series, Barbara Seagram shares her advice and experience on teaching bridge on cruises. For more helpful tips, check out Teaching Bridge on Cruise Ships, a honors ebook by Rosemary Boden, available now

Copy Right: Information on Copyright Law for Bridge Teachers

Copy Right: Information on Copyright Law for Bridge Teachers

By Ray Lee Consumer Warning What I am about to discuss involves legal dos and don’ts. However, I am not a lawyer; I am simply someone who has had to deal with copyright issues from

Encourage New Students to Play

How to Run a Successful Novice / Intermediate Program

By Barbara Seagram The following posts have been compiled from the article, Running a Successful Novice/Intermediate Program at a Bridge Club by Barbara Seagram, owner of Barbara Seagram School of Bridge, written September 30, 2008

Teaching with Beginning Bridge

Teaching with Beginning Bridge

Beginning Bridge is meant for students who have never played bridge or a similar card game. By the end of the book students should be able to enjoy playing bridge with their friends. There are