Teacher of the Year

The ABTA Master Point Press Teacher of the Year Award honors and celebrates the teachers who present student-appropriate materials in a lively, unique style; who are contributing to the growth of bridge in their local community and schools. A special someone who really cares for the students’ successes, concerns and progress at the bridge table and make the game come alive.

“At last there is an award for those in the trenches.” – Barbara Seagram

Conversations with Past winners on Teachbridge.com

Does your teacher give lessons that are funny and memorable? Do they have a way of making difficult concepts easy to understand? Have they done something noteworthy for the game in your community? If so,  nominate your teacher for the Teacher of the Year Award!

Curious about how teachers are evaluated for the Teacher of the Year Award? Want to know if you or your teacher is eligible? Read the Eligibility and Selection Criteria on ABTAHome.com