Barbara Seagram

Barbara Seagram

Barbara Seagram (Toronto, Canada) ran one of the largest and most successful bridge clubs and bridge schools in N. America. After selling the club in 2007, she now concentrates solely on teaching and organizing her

The Queen Ask

The Queen Ask

Eddie Kantar Originally published in BRIDGE Magazine. Reproduced here with permission of Chess & Bridge and Eddie Kantar. Dealer: South. Love All N North ♠ AKJ84 ♥ K4 ♦ AKJ ♣ A86 ♣K S South

The Queen Ask

So, Did You?

Eddie Kantar Originally published in BRIDGE Magazine. Reproduced here with permission of Chess & Bridge and Eddie Kantar. Game All. Dealer: South. N North ♠ A74 ♥ AQ ♦ J42 ♣ 106532 ♥J S South

The Queen Ask

Hello 5Dx, Goodbye 3NT

Eddie Kantar Originally published in BRIDGE Magazine. Reproduced here with permission of Chess & Bridge and Eddie Kantar. Both sides vulnerable. Dealer: East. N North ♠ K87 ♥ A2 ♦ Q32 ♣ A10742 ♥5 S

The Queen Ask

Eagle Eye

Eddie Kantar Originally published in BRIDGE Magazine. Reproduced here with permission of Chess & Bridge and Eddie Kantar.   IMP scoring. Dealer: North. Vulnerable: None N North ♠ J5 ♥ AJ102 ♦ J6 ♣ AKJ76

The Queen Ask

Test you Play by Eddie Kantar

These articles have been published with permission from Bridge Magazine.



By Chris Hasney This is an excerpt adapted from my book Simplicity Bridge. You can find the full text of Simplicity Bridge as an ebook at Scoring Now that you have the basics under


The Auction

By Chris Hasney This is an excerpt adapted from my book Simplicity Bridge. You can find the full text of Simplicity Bridge as an ebook at The Auction The defenders have been a patient


Playing with a Trump Suit

By Chris Hasney This is an excerpt adapted from my book Simplicity Bridge. You can find the full text of Simplicity Bridge as an ebook at Playing with a Trump Suit The auction component


The Mechanics of Bridge

By Chris Hasney This is an excerpt adapted from my book Simplicity Bridge. You can find the full text of Simplicity Bridge as an ebook at Mechanics Bridge is a partnership-based card game for