June 2011

June 2011

Test Your Defence Column by Julian Pottage Originally published in, and reproduced here with permission of, Bridge Magazine Hand 1 N North ♠ Q952 ♥ 1052 ♦ AK872 ♣ A   ♠3 E East ♠

June 2011

May 2011

Test Your Defence Column by Julian Pottage Originally published in, and reproduced here with permission of, Bridge Magazine Hand 1   N North ♠ J6 ♥ K65 ♦ 5 ♣ AKJ7654 W West ♠ AK10854

June 2011

March 2011

Test Your Defence Column by Julian Pottage Originally published in, and reproduced here with permission of, Bridge Magazine Hand 1   N North ♠ 64 ♥ J ♦ Q8754 ♣ KQJ72 W West ♠ AQ98

June 2011

Test Your Defence by Julian Pottage

Julian Pottage is best known as a bridge problem constructor, and his many awards include IBPA Book of the Year. These articles are published with permission from Bridge Magazine.

Favorite Defence Hands

Favorite Defence Hands

By Barbara Seagram These are some of my favorite defence hands from Eddie Kantar. Hand 1   1 West N North ♠ 953 ♥ 1082 ♦ 1093 ♣ AKJ5   W West ♠ K76 ♥

Favorite Defence Hands

Look Before You Leap: Forcing Bids

By Barbara Seagram Less experienced players are frequently distraught when their partner passes what they thought was a forcing bid. The reverse can also be true… they make an invitational bid and partner bids again

Favorite Defence Hands

Cuebid of Opponent’s Suit as a Limit Raise or Better

By Barbara Seagram You are south and you hold: S South ♠ Kxx ♥ xx ♦ AQxx ♣ xxxx W West N North E East S South 1♥ 1♠ Pass 2♠ — — — —

Favorite Defence Hands

Checkback Stayman

By Barbara Seagram Checkback Stayman is a nifty convention which is used most commonly after an opening bid of one of a minor and then a one of a major response with the opening bidder

Favorite Defence Hands


By Barbara Seagram There are many uses for the word “Redouble”. I am only going to give you the simple version of the commonest use of the Redouble. Later on, you can change your use

Favorite Defence Hands

Negative Doubles

By Barbara Seagram In the world of old-fashioned Standard American, if you are not playing Negative Doubles, then the following Auction would have to be a penalty double. This in effect dares the opponents to