Bridge Business

Teaching with Beginning Bridge Beginning Bridge, by Barbara Seagram and Linda Lee, is a great resource for teaching students who have never played bridge or a similar card game. Here are some tips for integrating


IBPA Bulletin Hands

No teacher's toolbox is complete without a wide assortment of bridge hands to fit any teaching situation and keep their students thinking hard. These challenging hands make a fine addition to bridge lessons at a

The Halloween Hand

The Halloween Hand

By Anisa Nixon Posted: 2012-08-12 Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, “The Raven”, we give you a poem just in time for Halloween. A Halloween Hand Once upon an evening still, while I pondered a


History and Trivia

A Motto to Live By by Joan Schepps – April 14th, 2013 Bridge Slang by Linda Lee – August 21st, 2012 Trump Indicators: Some of my Favorites by Joan Schepps – August 21st, 2012 Bridge

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain At Teams how should West play: Six Spades? Six Diamonds? Six Notrumps? In each case North leads ♠ Q. The diamonds are 4-1. W West ♠ A753 ♥ 5 ♦ AQJ63

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem 262 for November 2011

Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain With East-West playing a strong notrump, the auction goes: W West N North E East S South 1♣ 1♥ 2♦ Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass  How should West play

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem 258 for July 2011

Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain How should West play 3NT? North leads a spade. W West ♠ AQ2 ♥ A982 ♦ K654 ♣ 103 ♠7 E East ♠ K ♥ 1052 ♦ A32 ♣ KQ9843

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem 257 for June 2011

Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain South opens a constructive Two Hearts and West reaches Four Spades rather than the easy Three Notrumps. North leads the ♥ Q and South overtakes with the king. How should West

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem 256 for May 2011

Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain How should West play Three Notrumps on an unopposed auction? North leads a heart. W West ♠ AQ96 ♥ AQ32 ♦ 6543 ♣ 10 ♥5 E East ♠ 432 ♥

Problem 263 for December 2011

Problem 255 for April 2011

Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain How should West play Six Notrumps? North leads a spade. W West ♠ AK ♥ AQJ ♦ 65432 ♣ Q53 ♠5 E East ♠ QJ ♥ 10432 ♦ AKQ ♣