First Gatlinburg National Youth Bridge Conference

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Bill Fritsch & Patty Tucker

The Gatlinburg Convention Center will host the First National Youth Bridge Convention on April 12 – 13, 2015. The event takes place beginning Sunday April 12 at 1:00PM. Following a 90 minute dinner break, we’ll resume at 6:00PM, winding down the second session at 9:00PM.

The third and last session will take place 9:00AM – 12:00 Noon before play begins at 1:00 PM on Monday April 13.

The last three years have seen good Youth Bridge growth in many parts of the ACBL. After School Bridge is gaining momentum, as are Youth Bridge summer camps.

Thus it is an appropriate time for Youth Bridge enthusiasts to get together and compare notes.

We will be discussing two key areas:

  1. How to teach a Youth Bridge program.
  2. How to create and sustain a Youth Bridge program.

Case studies on new trends in After School Bridge will be presented. Among these is the success story brought about by the Asheville NC Public Schools Foundation and its Middle School Success program at Asheville Middle School, “In Real Life”.

Patty Tucker and Bill Fritsch are co-chairs of the conference which takes place on the upper level of the Convention Center.

For reservations please email Bill Fritsch at [email protected], or call him at (423)245-4520. The fee is $25.00 (due on arrival) which covers the cost of the Workbook. Other expenses are met with funding from the ACBL Educational Foundation and ACBL District 7.

We hope to see you in Gatlinburg. Come join us and stay and play at the world’s largest regional!

Posted by Teach Bridge Staff