Problem Corner by Patrick Jourdain
How should West play Four Hearts? North, who overcalled One Spade, leads the queen of clubs. Trumps are 3-2.
Answer to Prize problem 245
You expect North to hold the ace of diamonds, the jack of clubs and at least five spades. Win the opening lead in hand, draw trumps ending in dummy (North will throw a spade) and play a spade, putting in the jack if South plays low. North will win and have to exit with a spade. The fourth trump squeezes him.
- If he throws another spade you can use the diamond entry to ruff out the spades and return with a club to enjoy a spade trick.
- If he keeps two spades you cross to the diamond and cash the ace of clubs. If the jack does not fall he must have the bare ace of diamonds and you duck a diamond.
North originally held:
Non-prize problem for June 2010
You hold as North:
Dummy opened Two Notrumps, declarer jumped to Four Clubs to set the suit and show slam interest, dummy cuebid in hearts but then declarer signed off in Five Clubs. What do you lead?
Answer to non-prize problem
Graham Kirby found the winning lead of a LOW diamond in the 1991 Camrose match between England and Wales. Dummy had ♦ Q 7 3 and partner, the late John Armstrong, had ♦ K 9. Declarer played low from dummy but Armstrong put on the king, returned the suit and obtained a ruff to beat the game. As declarer had all winners elsewhere the low diamond lead was essential. It might even work when dummy has the king and declarer misguesses.
This article has been published with permission from Bridge Magazine