Simplicity Bridge: Excerpts for Students

By Chris Hasney

This is an excerpt adapted from my book Simplicity Bridge. The idea is to start students playing some form of the game immediately, then give them a way to actually play rubber bridge, Cavendish (rather than Chicago) four-deal style, with honors added back in. Target group is NOT duplicate players, but rather new young (15-40) players, especially college and post grad types. This first chapter builds on the Mini-Bridge concept and takes it to a full auction. It is my opinion that if we don’t bring back simple methods money rubber bridge, our sport is doomed in America at least. If we re-build a solid foundation of rubber players, 10-20 percent will ultimately venture into and enjoy duplicate.


There are two main types of contract bridge in play today among “we few, we happy few” who still play the game. The first type is duplicate bridge which is played for masterpoints in clubs and in tournaments. This includes both matchpoint and IMP games for pairs and teams. The second is rubber bridge with includes old style “above/below the line” two game rubbers, and the newer, faster form where players play four deals and change partners. Of the four-deal type, there are Chicago and Cavendish styles. Of all of these,Simplicity Bridge will emphasize the Cavendish four-deal method.

You can find the full text of Simplicity Bridge as an ebook at